Copywrite? What the Heck is that?

Okay, before you begin lambasting me for my spelling, "copywrite" is just my way of saying that if I created it, I'd like it if you credited me as author if you take anything of mine from this site and use it elsewhere. A link to would be nice, too. As long as you don't claim my stuff as your work, we're cool, although remember there might be improved versions being uploaded here from time to time.

I have this libertarian view of the web, you see. As long as people aren't being put out of pocket or have some deep psychological scars whereby they'd prefer others didn't see their work, I do not feel it wrong to advertise some of it here and provide links back to them wherever possible. Maybe that makes me a dreamer... maybe that makes me evil... but I believe in sharing information, and I extend that logic to my stuff too.
