There he goes, one of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
— Hunter S. Thompson

If you do not change, your value is to others rather than yourself.

when it comes to human beings, the only type of cause that matters is the final cause, the purpose. What a person had in mind. Once you know what people really want, you can't hate them anymore. You can fear them, but you can't hate them, because you can always find the same desires in your own heart."
— Orson Scott Card, Speaker for the Dead

"Say not, 'I have found the truth,' but rather, 'I have found a truth.'"
— Kahlil Gibran

"For the man who prays in his heart, the whole world is a church."
— Sylvain of Athos

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall."
— Confucius

"There is no god higher than truth."
— Mahatma Gandhi

"Tears are often the lens through which we see into the heavens."
— paraphrasing Henry Ward Beecher

I regard all the great religions of the world as true, at any rate for the people professing them, as mine is true for me."
— Mahatma Gandhi

"Religion is not something that you and I can touch. Religion is the worship of God -- therefore a matter of conscience. I alone must decide for myself and you for yourself, what we choose."
— Mother Teresa of Calcutta

"To keep the body in good health is a duty: otherwise the mind is not strong and clear."
— Buddha

Fill your bowl to the brim
and it will spill.
Keep sharpening your knife
and it will blunt.
Chase after money and security
and your heart will never unclench.
Care about people's approval
and you will be their prisoner.
— Lao-tzu

"I have learned silence from the talkative; tolerance from the intolerant and kindness from the unkind. I should not be ungrateful to those teachers."
— Kahlil Gibran

That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.
— Friedrich Nietzsche

Straight edge was just a song.
— Shayne Bampton

A psychotic is someone who has just found out what is really going on.
— William S. Burroughs

He was a wise man who invented beer.
— Plato

Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
— Benjamin Franklin

You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on.
— Dean Martin

It used to be that being crazy meant something... now everybody's crazy.
— Charles Manson

"We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers . . . and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls."
"The room was very quiet. I walked over to the TV set and turned it on to a dead channel—white noise at maximum decibels, a fine sound for sleeping, a powerful continuous hiss to drown out everything strange."
—Hunter S. Thompson, "Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas"

"Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate. (All hope abandon, ye who enter here.)"
— Dante Alighieri

"You can't go around building a better world for people. Only people can build a better world for people. Otherwise it's just a cage."
— Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad

"Be excellent to each other and party on."
— Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo its use."
— Galileo

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
— Reinhold Niebuhr

"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it."
— Gandhi

'Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do... is ignore them - because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world...are the ones who do.'
— Apple Computers advert

"Computer games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all run around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music..."
— Kristian Wilson, CEO, Nintendo Gaming Corporation, Inc, 1989

"Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for."
— The Mentor, The Hacker's Manifesto

"It is in my mind that true evil is very rare in the world. Some people hurt other people, yes. But for the most part they are acting from a previous hurt they perceive. They seek a justice which may only exist in their own minds. Justice is a social relationship. Unless we talk to the people we would war with, unless we understand the cause of their hurt, we may never have the justice we seek."
— Russell Nelson, (2000-09-27)

"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."
— PAT ROBERTSON, failing to realise the positive side to all of the above points...

"look, Denyer, I'm actually using the internet for something other than browsing hardcore fetish pornography! Are you proud of me? (Only because I'm bored of looking at naked old women - Vyki). Congratulations on the site, although I'm a bit worried that people might get the wrong impression of me. Love Pete and Vyk."
— typical extract from my site guestbook

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful."
Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the Younger,"
Roman stoic philosopher, writer, and politician (4-65).

Kyle, Go back and re-read my post. Read it several times if you must. The very fact
that you've replied to *my post* (or any post for that matter) is mutually
verifiable evidence of a shared objective reality. Now....where is god?

"But the moral of this episode is this: just because you're responsible for setting up a knocking shop, destroying one of the finest buildings in Amsterdam, lost all your property, been caught in public with a pair of absurd underpants, spent more than two months without writing a line or even a very, very short sentence about Spinoza (indeed you haven't even joined the library yet, let alone taken out a book on Baruch), don't be so sure that you're in trouble."
"I did take my privilege seriously in some respects. I always felt so bad about selling drugs to my students for instance, that I always did so with a hefty mark-up to discourage them from making further purchases."
"The only advice I can offer, should you wake up vertiginously in a strange flat, with a thoroughly installed hangover, without any of your clothing, without any recollection of how you got there, with the police sledgehammering down the door to the accompaniment of excited dogs, while you are surrounded by bales of lavishly-produced magazines featuring children in adult acts, the only advice I can offer is to try to be good-humoured and polite."
— Tibor Fischer, "The Thought Gang"

"So why don't you just tell her. You loves her, she loves you — something like that don't happen daily ..."
"Real simple, old man. I tell her, I lose her."
"Even simpler kid. You don't tell her, you never really have her to lose."
— X-Men comic

If I do not agree with something, I will ignore it. If I really do not agree with something, I will endeavour to convince other people to ignore it. This is not the same thing as flaming.

"Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's
warm for the rest of his life."
— (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

Suicide was against the law. Johnny had wondered why. It meant that if you missed, or the gas ran out, or the rope broke, you could get locked up in prison to show you that life was really very jolly and thoroughly worth living.
— (Terry Pratchett, Johnny and the Dead)

Picard: "Someone once told me that time was a predator, that stalked us all our lives; but I rather believe that time is a companion, that goes with us on the journey, reminds us to cherish every moment; because it'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we've lived. After all, Number One, we're only mortal."
Riker: "Speak for yourself, Sir. I plan to live forever."
— "Star Trek: Generations"

"Her hobbies are mostly illegal. [..] Besides, someone has to carry the breath mints, condoms and bail money. "
— bios

"A new dawn. A new Windows installation. Sigh."
"We shall do what we do every night Pinky! Re-install Windows..."
...and variations.

"What did it matter where you lay when you were dead? [...] You just slept the big sleep, not caring about the nastiness of how you died or where you fell."
— Raymond Chandler

X-Entertainment on Sailor Moon: "Japanese animation (or "anime" as it's called by people who wear X-Men T-shirts) isn't just for guys... no, somewhere amidst the naked schoolgirl robot cat people lies a place for girls as well [...] This show's just one big commercial for casual rape."

Holmes: "Of all ruins, that of a noble mind is the most deplorable."
—Conan Doyle, The Adventure Of The Dying Detective

Holmes: "It is fortunate for this community that I am not a criminal."
—Conan Doyle, The Adventure Of The Bruce-Partington Plans:

Religion is not bereft of reason. Religion *replaces* reason.

"My voice is an instrument of torture. I don't care, I'm an expressionist." - John Lydon

I am Dyslexic of Borg
Resemblance is fertile
Your ass will be laminated

If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is!

Take all good things in moderation, including moderation.
Take everything in moderation, especially moderation.

That which does not kill us usually ends up wishing it had.

A good pun is its own reword

Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons.

Me spell chucker work grate. Need grandma chicken.

I'm searching for something which can't be found
I'm still hoping...
I still dream I won't die

ERICA (extract from Scars and Bruises girl-zine):
The sorrys, the supposed warmth.
None of it means anything. And
I'm still afraid of losing you even
Though I'm not sure I want you
anymore because this hurts like
f~ck, it hurts too much.
So I'll come back and I won't say
shit because I can release my pain.
I can release my pain. I can release
my pain another way.
And I'm hurting myself and I'm
laughing and my body is yours.

Jeff's Homepage: "Dead Links To Other People's Garbage"
If you disagree with the lists below, you are wrong. You are part of the problem.

Sorry this card is late...
           B ut I didn't really forget-
    it's j U st that you
    never  L ook any older, in fact
      you  L ook younger each
    year - S o, I just
           H ope you'll understand
           I f your card doesn't
arrive on  T ime in future.
Happy Belated Birthday!

"As John Lennon said, ... 'love is the answer'" - Andie McDowell

"Well, frankly, I don't know what you are, but it's probably treatable with large amounts of voltage..."

Activation Energy: The useful quantity of energy available in one cup of coffee.

"There's heroes and there's legends. The heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart kid, and you'll never go wrong...."

If all the world's a stage, I fell off it WAY too many times.

"If I'm not back in five minutes..... wait longer!"

"I believe we have two lives. The life we learn with, and the life we live after that."

"You see that moon up there? It's beautiful, isn't it? Gorgeous? Well, it's only reflected light. It needs the sun to shine."

"Here's another of our topical protest songs... and by that I mean 'bitter'..."
- John Flansburgh, They Might Be Giants

"Welcome to what is commonly regarded as the bane of the Web: the personal home page. Except, see, I don't buy that. Personal pages are the backbone of the Web, and anyone who doesn't see that is doomed to compare their own life unfavorably to Friends for all eternity.
"Sure, most personal pages are uninteresting. Hell, most people are uninteresting, at least to most other people. But only an egotistical idiot would insist that the streets be cleared of everyone who can't instantly fascinate them. So it is with the Web: if someone's contribution to the global conversation doesn't interest you, move on. Maybe someone else will find them scintillating."

- Lore Christian Fitzgerald Sjoberg (

Blur of Insanity Disclaimer: "Those eighteen or under are hereby warned to stay out. The proprietors of this site take no responsibility for your acts. This site is for educational purposes only. We hope all lawyers will soon die so we don't have to write all this disclaimer crap. Thank you."

"I used to be an atheist until I realised I was God."

"Kill your parents, f~ck your friends and have a nice day!"
'Justify My Hate', (Ambush, 1997) - DJ Scud

"Twinkle twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are. But I know already. You are an inexplicable aggregate of matter and gases. And though you appear to shine, you are in fact dead. Like love."
- Thom Yorke

Your protestation that a song can stand on its own without the need for a single guitar solo of any kind is greeted with total discomprehension. You are asking something of him which he simply cannot give. It is a bit like asking your cat to rewire your house...

Rigsby: You're a member of the permissive society. You know about erogenous zones and all that sort of thing.
A: I know where the Himalayas are, but that don't mean I've ever been up 'em!

A Selection Of Xander Quotes:
"For I am Xander, King of Cretins. May all lesser cretins bow before me."
"Y'know, hey, I don't know what everyone's talking about. That outfit doesn't make you look like a hooker!"
"I laugh in the face of danger. Then I hide until it goes away."
"Nah, I gotta be a man and ask her out. Y'know, I gotta stop giving her ID bracelets, uh, subtle innuendoes, taking Polaroids outside of her bedroom window late at night that last part is a joke to relieve the tension because here she comes."
"We're right behind you, only... further back."
"Oh, forgiveness is my middle name! Well, actually it's LaVelle, and I'd appreciate it if you guard that secret with your life."
"So, Buffy, how'd the slaying go last night? ... I mean, how'd the *laying* go? ... No, I don't mean that either."
Not Xander, But Should Have Been:
("[Just you and me?]") "Well, we could invite the chess club, but they drink and they start fights..."

"There's a pleasure, sure, in being mad, which none but madmen know."
— Silvia in George Farquhar's "The Recruiting Officer"