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Howdy... this is the bit of the site that collects stuff which I've written, snippets of things that I've heard said or read and liked... you get the general idea. Life is a scrapbook. Here are some of my pages...this section is rated PG ...
Hypertext Stuff
Writing Class Portfolio Submissions
So, what IS this Writing Class thang? [Mar-02]First Portfolio
1: Short Poem — "Life" This is really, really, really bad. It's also pompous and preachy.
2: Sonnet — "Time Does Not Repeat" Fourteen lines of ten syllables each, on the subject of being really crap at communicating with loved ones.
3: Prose — "Power: Second (Final) Chapter" An exercise in subverting cliche and redundancy. Fun to write, fun to read.
4: Lyrics — "Punk '57-'79" Respect for Sid Vicious, and rather less for today's whiny imitators.
Notes accompanying Part the First Background on the punk elegy and sonnet pieces. Mostly bemoaning MTV.
5: Free Verse — "Spooge Blare Forcibly" Stream-of-consciousness ranting about student stress and issues.Second Portfolio
1: Ballad — "Why I Cannot Write Ballads" No, seriously...although this is easily hummed whilst drunk...
Notes accompanying Part the Second Covering information on all of the pieces in said submission.
2: Short Tale — "They do not know what I know about them." It's much easier to read than to describe. Oh, go on!
3: Character Sketch — "Thatcher By Name, Percophile By Nature" Note to friend: No, she isn't based on you! (Or on anyone else, actually...)
4: Description — "Meditation Upon The Transience Of Being, 11:27pm" "Fear And Loathing In Aberystwyth" by any other name...
5: Dialogue — "Tessier Noir" Have you read any Raymond Chandler? If not, do! Right now!
Addendum — Brainstorming sheet for Sadie Thatcher The original spooge I wrote the submitted Character Sketch from.
Short Stories
Old Personal Essays
More of everything to come! In my copious free time...