> Okay, here's what you are supposed to do. Forward this e-mail,
> erasing the addresses of former senders. [This is IMPORTANT!]
> Change all the answers so they apply to you, then send this to a
> whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING the person who sent it to you.
> The theory is that you will get a pile of get-to-know me-mails! You'll
> learn a lot of little-known (and sometimes scary) facts about your
> friends! READY?
> 1) What is your full name?

Check the "from" name! :p ...Denyer, to most people anyway.

Technically I have middle names... technically.

> 2) What's colours are you wearing?

Urban night combats right now, with "denim" sweater...

> 3) What song are you listening to right now?
> (Or have had in your head for the rest of the day...)

Last song listened to "What A Wonderful World" - Louis Armstrong.

Song in my head: "I Want To Disappear" - Marilyn Manson.

> 4) What was the last thing you ate?

Chips & vegetable grills.

> 5) If you were a crayon, what colour would you want to be?

Black. Best for graffiti.

> 6) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?

Egypt? See next question. :)

> 7) Who or what kind of person do you want to spend your life with?

Sarah-Jane. Someone I trust; the sort of person you feel better about life knowing that they exist.

> 8) Do you have a lava lamp or anything similar?

Nope, but I like glittery things in general...

> 9) How is the weather right now?

I'll steal Porl's answer and say: Outside, and it can stay out there!

> 10) Who is last person you talked to on the phone?


> 11) First thing you notice about the opposite (or same) sex?

Eyes and a warm face. This goes for the same sex as well. Some people have what I tend to think of as a "spark", a kind of hyper-reality, genuine-ness and charisma, and I've been fortunate enough to encounter quite a few of these people...

> 12) Do you like the person that sent you this?

Yeah! I'm re-using as web space filler, aren't I?

> 13) What are your favourite drinks? (Fizzy, alcoholic, non-alcoholic, etc.)

Fresh cold water, generally... I dislike fizzy drinks, but drink Red Bull or other energy things occasionally.

Alchohol-wise: Guinness, or anything non-cider or tropical fruit if I'm trying to get drunk... which is rare these days, soon to be rarer still... have become bored with the predictability of the whole drunken thing..

> 14) Do you smoke?


> 15) What's your favourite sport(s) and/or hobbies?

Debate, reading, vegging.

> 16) What's the next CD or piece of music you're gonna get?

Maybe "Live At The Wireless" by Ash... or the next Green Day single if it's "Poprocks and Coke"... :)

> 17) Hair colour?

Dark brown.

> 18) Birthdate?

10th July 1981.

> 19) Eye colour?

Varies... currently green/hazelnut...

> 20) Height?

Haven't got a clue... around 6ft...

> 21) What's the best advice given to you?

"Nobody ever seems to remember... that life is a game we play..." — Oasis

"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." — Gandhi

Most of the best advice I think I can give or receive comes in the form of book or lyric soundbytes... everybody go read "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland and enjoy the ending!

> 22) What's the worst advice you ever got?

Dunno... have probably done my best to forget it... :)

"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." — Pat Robertson

(some far-Right religious nut, failing to realise positive aspects to all of the above...)

> 23) What scares you?


> 24) Have you ever won any special awards?

Er, been through more than my fair share of school, college and uni teams and projects... many of 'em have been commended, but would rather not rake over the past...

> 25) Where and what would you rather be doing right now?

In bed, asleep, several hours ago. Darn this insomnia...

> 26) Fave music?

'Endless Nameless'-era WiLDHEARTS... cathartic noise... "HE'S A WHORE!!!"

Apart from that: chirpy punk, System Of A Down, the Divine Comedy, Cradle Of Filth, Green Day, Simon & Garfunkel... depends on my mood... I'd never rule a song out because it belonged to a category I generally dislike; street cred is pap...

> 27) Fave flower(s)?

Blood red, black, purple or night blue roses. Okay, some of these are rare in nature... ;)

> 28) Fave movie(s)?

Trainspotting, Reality Bites, Highlander, Bram Stoker's Dracula, A Life Less Ordinary, Transformers: The Movie, Four Weddings And A Funeral, Galaxy Quest.

> 29) Best day of the year?

Events matter, not calendar days...

> 30) Fave month?

April. April the 1st means a lot to me...

> 31) Who are your favourite writer(s)?

Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Douglas Coupland, Anne Rice, William Gibson. That's just a random selection. I try to read a lot.

> 32) Favourite actor(s) and actress(es)?

Oliver Reed, Sir Alec Guinness, Ewan McGregor (in Trainspotting)...

Alyson Hannigan or Winona Ryder? I dunno...

> 33) Fave girl's perfume?

I vaguely recall CK1 being quite pleasant... I don't have much of a sense of smell unless I'm really close to a person, so I'm unlikely to notice unless it's something really offensive...

> 34) Fave men's cologne?

Don't wear aftershave... would rather smell clean or of apple soap...

> 35) What gets you annoyed?


> 36) Do you like to dance?

If in the mood... don't even have to be drunk, these days; I'm not as self-conscious... moshing is generally better...

> 37) Worst sickness you ever had?

Delirious fever... although throat infections really suck...

> 38) Have you ever been in love? Are you now? If not, do you want to be?

Yes. I am...

> 39) What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?

Left things unsaid.

> 40) Hugs or kisses?

Depends on the person... more people (in the UK at least) tend to accept hugs (more than kisses) as something more affectionate than sexual... hugs are cool...

> 41) If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

My inability to marshall any verbal coherency when it really matters...

> 42) What did you think of this survey?

Reasonably well-pitched in terms of content and length... plus, I don't tend to conceal many facets of me, so I wouldn't consider it as intrusory as others might...

> 43) Do you want your friends to write back?

Rather up to them, ain't it? Some of them will have already filled out this before, and may or may not have their answers saved. Some of them are just lazy sods... ;)

> 44) Who do you reckon is most or least likely to respond?

Well, the people who hardly ever check their e-mail aren't likely to respond incredibly quickly, but they might, I suppose...

> 45) What are you going to do after this?

Go to bed!

> Well done, thank-you for answering!

Well, I wanted to demonstrate for the site...

 You can find a version of this e-mail quiz ready to cut & paste and send to your friends here...