"Welcome to what is commonly regarded as the bane of the Web: the personal home page. Except, see, I don't buy that. Personal pages are the backbone of the Web, and anyone who doesn't see that is doomed to compare their own life unfavorably to Friends for all eternity.
    "Sure, most personal pages are uninteresting. Hell, most people are uninteresting, at least to most other people. But only an egotistical idiot would insist that the streets be cleared of everyone who can't instantly fascinate them. So it is with the Web: if someone's contribution to the global conversation doesn't interest you, move on. Maybe someone else will find them scintillating."
- Lore Christian Fitzgerald Sjoberg (lcfs@lungfish.com)

There's some info about how this site works in the /webdesign section, fiction and quotes (some by me!) in the /notebook section, and there's a list of what's new for returning visitors. Feel welcome to browse around and I hope you find something you like!