/personal Information about your webmaster, his system & some photos of friends.
/transformers Movie scripts, parodies, lyrics, links. Also, my collection and trade list!
/notebook Fiction by myself and others, lots of quotes, philosophy, etcetera.
(Sub-site.) The 1997 Summerhill School students' yearbook. |
/computing Recommended Win9x freeware, misc eye candy, stuff like that.
/studentessays My university English & American Studies essays (for reference only!)
/webdesign Good site design tips, about this site, free HTML editors & relevant links.
/humour Some funny text files, images and book quotes to brighten your day! |
New site dedicated to my friends' West Midlands punk band. Check it out!
/graphics Gaiman comics, sig graphics & some fonts. Lots of eye candy!
/bands Links to band sites I like, music recommendations, that sort of thing.
/airstripone Our college band, long defunct, but still some vaguely amusing pages.